The Benchmark in Civil Engineering
and Excavation for Any Environmentally
Conscious Infrastructure Project

The Benchmark in Civil Engineering and Excavation for Any Environmentally Conscious Infrastructure Project

About Us

At National, We Believe that Every Successful Project Starts With a Quality Product.

This is why we have created an excavation and civil engineering company that is proud to provide you with the best specialized services in its field at the heavy residential, commercial, large-scale public and heavy industrial levels. Whether it is an excavation project, berlin wall, decontamination, civil engineering, soil rehabilitation, urban development and much more, our services stand out because of our know-how. Our years of expertise in excavation allow us to have access to the highest quality resources. We work hand in hand with our collaborators, and we approach each new excavation project with passion and dedication, allowing us to meet our clients’ expectations.

Our diversified services allow us to contribute to the development of your site and to be a partner of choice. We hold a general contractor’s license and are certified ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, and we are able to work on LEED Green projects.

Our Vision

With Our Collective of Great Experiences in the Field of Civil Engineering and Excavation, Our Company Aims to Always Surpass the Expectations of Our Customers, As Much for the Quality of Our Products as the Execution of Our Services.

As we continue to grow our business, we want to expand and specialize our service offering to ensure that we remain competitive in the excavation industry.

Our team is always ready to work on your sites, and no project is too big for us; we have assembled a vast inventory of specialized equipment and a robust team that is always on the lookout for the latest process trends and technological advances. It is important to us to build trusting relationships with all our suppliers and customers, which is why we promote transparency of our products and services, through reviews that will always be available to all.

Who We Are

In Addition to Our Team of Excavation and Civil Engineering Specialists, We Have an In-House Department for the Design and Optimization of Infrastructure Projects.

This department offers adapted and optimal solutions in terms of excavation and stormwater management, levelling, cut/fill balance, design of execution methods and development of granular formulas to enhance the value of materials in place, while minimizing project costs. Not to mention our environmental department with a solid team of engineers and agronomists. The understanding and know-how of our professionals allows us to provide responsible solutions, both environmentally and economically.

We have a large inventory of heavy machinery, including more than sixty trucks and equipment with all the resources in our fleet. All of these resources allow us to be competitive and eco-responsible.


National’s DNA is the Association of People with a Passion for Experience Who Have Had the Pleasure of Carrying Out Dozens of Large-Scale Projects in Montreal Each Year, Combined With the Enthusiasm and Ambition of Young Entrepreneurs Who Want to Improve Their Industry Every Day.

In addition to executing work in a professional manner, the team in place applies eco-responsible methods to reduce travel distances and maximize soil revitalization. All the while exceeding our clients’ expectations in terms of precision and speed of execution. We believe that developing a strong sense of partnership with our clients allows us to grow with them from project to project. In order to offer a maximum contribution to the project, we work as a team in a safe and rigorous manner where the human aspect is at the forefront. These values are firmly rooted in National’s DNA!

Quality Policy

We Are Committed to a Strict Quality Policy.

While complying with legal and regulatory requirements, we invest time and energy in improving the quality of our work to the satisfaction of our customers. Our employees are committed to excellence and undergo continuous training. We focus on our core values of teamwork, efficiency and reducing the environmental footprint in all our excavations. We effectively coordinate our activities and cost-effectively manage our organization through planning, goal setting and continuous improvement.


Our Daily Mission is to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Our Activities and to Achieve Carbon Neutrality for All the Equipment and Trucks Used on Our Construction Sites.

We achieve superior environmental characteristics by implementing fossil fuel consumption monitoring and the use of recycled backfill materials within a close radius of the construction sites. One of National’s areas of expertise is land decontamination. This activity is strictly supervised, starting with the environmental assessment and ending with the engineers’ expertise to determine the level of contamination. In addition, Trace Quebec monitors the disposal of the land throughout the process. This allows us to follow the path of the soil from our excavations to the sites corresponding to the classification of the material, for a safe and regulatory disposal.

Health and Safety

In Terms of Health and Safety, Each Member of Our Team has the Necessary Certifications and Many Years of Experience to Complete Your Project Safely and Efficiently.

Continuous training is offered to employees to enhance their awareness of health and safety. In order to strengthen our expertise, we obtained our certification ISO 45001 in March 2023. At National, we are committed to improving the safety of our employees and all site stakeholders, as well as reducing risks in the workplace to create better and safer working conditions. Additionally, we have a significant number of specialists in occupational health and safety prevention to provide a safe environment for our employees.